(Nika 2000 – October 2017)
As we close this year, I sadly share the passing of my precious Nika. It is difficult watching your best friend grow old. You know that day is coming, but when they are actually gone, the silent void is felt and I don’t think it ever goes away.
I have been putting off writing about Nika’s passing because it is painful and I miss her strong presence so much. Writing about it makes it real and that hurts. She was a big part of my life for sixteen years. As I told her many times, adopting her was the best decision I ever made.
Nika was about 17 years old and she did very well for her age. She had been slowing down and losing strength in her back legs during the last year, but she was strong willed and kept on. She enjoyed eating until a week before she passed, then she stopped. Then she stopped drinking. My other dogs were very gentle and would lay around her, while kissing her face. They knew she was preparing to leave and so did I. I told her how much I loved her and she helped so many dogs during her life. As she lay peacefully, I told her she could let go, she did not need to protect us anymore – just let go. And, she did. Nika died peacefully and on her own terms.
When I think of Nika, all the good times we had together come to mind – the early morning hikes and walks, the visits to the dog park, the dogs we fostered. I think of the positive impact she had on my life and the lives of so many homeless dogs. Although she is no longer here physically, she is always in my heart.
I never like to say goodbye, so I will say….Until we hike again, I will be missing you my best friend.
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